Oxford Abroad Symposium

Lena Malpeli and Rian Benoit kicked off the first symposium of the fall. They discussed their experiences, travel, tutorials, and highlights of the city. Not only did students discuss what they studied, but they also shared information about socials, formals, and sports. Rian is studying accounting and Lena, English.

Study Abroad: Cameron DeMarie in Peru

Traveling to Peru was amazing as my classmates and I got to see all the beauty the country had to offer. We started by touring Lima and visiting all of its best neighborhoods, learning about Peruvian food, customs, and traditions. We then traveled around the dry desert region to see an awe-inspirig oasis and rideContinue reading “Study Abroad: Cameron DeMarie in Peru”

Oxford Abroad Symposium

Our latest symposium featured 3 of our Honors students — Hannah Lammon, Jana de Kock, and Marcella Benner — who traveled abroad to Oxford to participate in the Oxford Study Abroad Program for a semester. The students covered everything from tutorials, interview strategies, application advice, Oxford athletics, to social/travel opportunities. Those who attend Oxford satisfyContinue reading “Oxford Abroad Symposium”