Oxford Semester Abroad – Nicole Lampe

I am having a wonderful time in Oxford! My work consumes a lot of time and energy, but my tutorials are coming along nicely. I have an awesome tutor for my law tutorial, who has two law degrees and is getting their doctorate in socio-legal studies. They are having me attend a law school lectureContinue reading “Oxford Semester Abroad – Nicole Lampe”

Honors Symposia – Mixed Abilities Dance

On October 19th, in conjunction with UT’s Department of Speech, Theatre, and Dance, the UT Honors Program hosted five internationally renowned experts in mixed abilities dance.  The dancers thrilled the students with three performances, then answered students’ questions. Students were fascinated to learn more about the backgrounds of the dancers and how they develop dancingContinue reading “Honors Symposia – Mixed Abilities Dance”

Honors Symposia – Keith Campbell

In conjunction with The University of Tampa’s Center for Ethics in the Sykes College of Business, the UT Honors Program hosted Keith Campbell, Professor of Psychology at the University of Georgia.  Dr. Campbell discussed his research into narcissism.  He explored some of the instruments used to measure narcissism and examined how narcissism influences interpersonal relationships, leadershipsContinue reading “Honors Symposia – Keith Campbell”